Company / Organization

Temperamente - Watter kleur is jou persoonlikheid?
R 200.00

Jou temperament bestaan uit 'n kombinasie van aangebore eienskappe wat jou op 'n onderbewuste vlak beïnvloed. Hierdie eienskappe word geneties bepaal deur oorerflike faktore en bepaal jou sterk- en swakpunte en hoe jy op mense en lewensomstandighede reageer. Die ontwikkeling van hierdie temperamenttoets is gebaseer op die navorsing en werk van Florence Littauer.

Temperaments - Which colour is your personality?
R 200.00

Your temperament comprises a combination of inborn qualities that influence you on a subconscious level. These qualities are determined genetically by hereditary factors and determine your strengths and weaknesses and how you react to people and life’s circumstances. This temperament assessment has been developed based on the research and work of Florence Littauer.

MBA - Primary And Secondary Language of Appreciation Assessment
R 100.00

Research has shown that individuals are motivated and encouraged in a variety of ways. This inventory is designed to gain a clearer picture of an individual’s primary language of appreciation and motivation as experienced in a work-related setting.